Ray Tierney, Republican candidate for Suffolk County District Attorney, has announced he has received the endorsement from former Suffolk County Presiding Officer and current Babylon Town Councilman DuWayne Gregory, a Democrat. Mr. Gregory has never crossed the aisle and endorsed a Republican candidate, but was compelled in this race.
“In my 30 years of active politics on Long Island, I have NEVER endorsed a Republican,” Mr. Gregory said. “This year, that changes. I fully endorse Ray Tierney for Suffolk DA. Ray has the experience and the credentials to be a great District Attorney. For more than 26 years, he has been a prosecutor with a strong record of convictions on violent street gangs including MS-13 cases, political corruption and sexual abuse. He has walked the walk in every courthouse. He is a breath of fresh air, and he is what we need.”
“I am proud and honored to have Councilman Gregory’s endorsement and support for my campaign,” Mr. Tierney said. “Councilman Gregory, a veteran, has a long history of serving the people of our County with honor and distinction in the Legislature and in Babylon Town. I look forward to having Councilman Gregory help me on my campaign for the District Attorney’s race. I want to take politics out of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office and truly serve the people, all of the people, whether Democrat or Republican, of our great County.”
“As a former prosecutor for the Suffolk District Attorney’s office, U.S. attorney and Executive Assistant at the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, I worked with prosecutors of different political persuasions,” he said. “When it comes to enforcing the law, there is no room for politics or the influence of self-serving special interests. Only the law and blind justice the residents of Suffolk County demand from this most sacred elected office.”
Following a year of COVID-19 relief packages, aggressive spending programs and reduced tax revenue due to COVID, the federal and state governments are facing growing deficits and mounting debt. In an effort to address these deficits, many lawmakers are resorting to “tax the rich” maneuvers, including wealth taxes. Tom Archer, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Archer Financial Group, is telling high-net-worth individuals that they should prepare for a flurry of proposed tax hikes and buy life insurance.
Currently, the U.S. government debt is more than $27.97 trillion, according to data supplied by TreasuryDirect.gov. In an effort to close this gap, members of Congress and the U.S. Senate recently introduced the Ultra-Millionaire Tax, or the “wealth tax,” which would impose a 2% surcharge on those with a net worth of more than $50 million. Anyone with a net worth of over $1 billion would be assessed an additional 1% surtax. In addition, the president is proposing a tax hike on those making more than $400,000 a year.
“Some people think a 1-2% increase isn’t much, but, when you’re talking about someone who is worth eight or nine figures, it adds up,” Mr. Archer says. “The Ultra-Millionaire Tax will have a serious impact on their assets, much of which may be invested in stocks, bonds and real estate and may not be liquid. It will hurt them more than they will realize.”
Mr. Archer says these proposed tax hikes are just the tip of the iceberg as the government seeks to make changes to the estate and gift tax exemptions, the step-up basis and the estate tax. “The estate tax exemption of $11.7 million for individuals may be reduced to as low as $3.5 million,” he says. “The exemption is scheduled to sunset in five years, but the government is looking to move the expiration date to the end of next year. Plus, the reduced exemption would be applied retroactively.”
The government is considering changing the step-up basis, in which the beneficiary can sell off an inherited asset for what it’s worth after the previous owner’s death without any tax implications. “If your relative bought a house for $100,000 and it is valued at $600,000, you can inherit the house for $600,000 after their death and not have to pay taxes on the home’s value,” Mr. Archer says. “The government wants to change that by taxing the appreciation of the asset; in this case, the inheritor would have to pay taxes on the $500,000 upon their relative’s death.”
Currently, the federal estate tax is at 40%, but the government is seeking to increase the tax rate significantly. Mr. Archer explains how life insurance acts as a form of wealth protection. “The life insurance policy creates cash liquidity needed at death to pay taxes,” he says. “Therefore, people don’t have to liquidate assets or have a fire sale to create the cash that is needed.”
Among those who are part of Mr. Archer’s clientele include private billionaires, professional athletes, entertainers and celebrities, many of whom reside in New York and California — two high-tax states. In fact, New York State is proposing increasing the state income tax on The Empire State’s top earners from 8.82% to 10.82%, citing a $15 billion budget hole. Meanwhile, some members of the New York State Senate are proposing progressive tax brackets in which those with incomes of more than $100 million a year would be taxed at 15%. California currently has the highest income tax rate at 13.3% for those earning more than $1 million annually.
“For those who are in New York and California, there is a possibility that they may face larger tax burdens if these new wealth taxes are passed into law,” Mr. Archer says. “If they do not have a wealth protection plan in place, such as a life insurance policy, they should meet with a financial advisor immediately who has experience in wealth management and asset protection.”
Mr. Archer holds the record for the largest life insurance policy ever sold. He sold over $2 billion in life insurance in 2020 and has been named the number one life insurance advisor for several carriers. For more information, visit www.thearcherfinancialgroup.com.
Touts Record of Accomplishments during First Year in Office While Managing Challenges Posed by COVID-19
On February 22, Yvette Aguiar announced that she has accepted the nomination from the Riverhead Republican Party for a second term as Town Supervisor. The announcement was made during the Riverhead GOP’s convention at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2476.
“I am honored to have received this nomination and will continue to move Riverhead forward, fighting for our great Town, across all communities and at all
levels of government,” Ms. Aguiar said. “I am committed to continue working for all of Riverhead. I am also honored to see the entire committee is unified by casting only one vote, indicating the entire committee’s full support.”
Ms. Aguiar cited the challenges and accomplishments of her first 14 months in office. First and foremost was helping residents navigate the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred nine weeks after taking office. At the same time, she addressed the fiscal challenges the Town experienced as a result of the pandemic. She cut the operating budget by 1.14%, and the Town’s debt was also reduced by $9.68 million, putting Riverhead on a stronger fiscal footing and reducing future internal expenses.
“As a Town, we were faced with a sizable budgetary shortfall,” Ms. Aguiar said. “We mitigated these losses by cutting all non-essential spending, placing promotions on hold and limiting new hires, while maintaining the services our taxpayers expect and deserve.”
Among the initiatives taken to address the effects of COVID-19 on the Town’s most vulnerable, she oversaw the establishment of the Riverhead SAFE (Senior Assistance For Essentials) program, which delivered food, medicine and essentials to homebound senior citizens; the creation of the Senior Emergency Hotline, which provided the most up-to-date information on COVID-19; and the expansion of the Meals on Wheels program.
She also announced that, on Friday, the Town will launch a senor outreach program, which will go online, to ensure the Town’s seniors are vaccinated and will be provided with transportation to and from vaccination sites. “The COVID-19 vaccine availability has been sporadic, and the process has been very stressful on our seniors,” she said. “The Senior Hotline coordinator and our Senior Center will join forces to ensure our seniors receive vaccines, once they become available.”
Realizing the challenges posed by the pandemic will subside, she also continued to focus on Riverhead’s future through economic development, balanced by maintaining the East End quality of life, supporting the farmers, supporting the businesses and remaining committed to continue stabilizing the Town’s finances under the COVID-19 pandemic.
On the subject of redeveloping its downtown, Ms. Aguiar said the Town’s Pattern Book has been completed and adopted, and updates to its Comprehensive Master Plan have begun. “The Pattern Book will be used as a tool to modify zoning and further enhance revitalizing our Main Street,” she said. “The Comprehensive Master Plan will serve as a roadmap to our future. Community involvement is critical.”
“My background in management at various institutions, both in the private and public sectors, and my higher educational background in teaching management, along with my supervisory law enforcement experience, has served me well,” she said.
Ms. Aguiar is a retired Detective Sergeant with the New York Police Department’s Counter Terrorism Division. She was trained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in criminal profiling, crime scenes, surveillance, and the interviewing and interrogation of suspects. She served as the Chair of the Criminal Justice Department at Briarcliffe College. She is an Associate Professor at American Military University. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Master’s in Public Administration from John Jay College, and a Doctorate in Business Administration from Northcentral University.
In 2019, Ms. Aguiar was elected Town Supervisor, defeating Democratic incumbent Laura Jens-Smith and becoming the first Latina to be elected to that post and the first Latina Town Supervisor elected in Suffolk County.
“I wish to thank the Riverhead Republican Party for having faith in my ability to lead and selecting me for re-election as Riverhead Town Supervisor,” Ms. Aguiar said. “I am confident we will overcome any crisis we may face. As a Town, we will continue to be innovative, proactive and explore all avenues to move our great Town forward with pride and resilience.”
“We are excited to have nominated Yvette Aguiar for Riverhead Supervisor,” said Tammy Robinkoff, Chair, Riverhead Republican Committee. “She has done an outstanding job as Riverhead Town Supervisor under the pandemic, and we look forward to seeing what her leadership will bring in the future.”
Discusses How the Town Has Addressed and Overcame Many of the Challenges Posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic
On February 8, Yvette Aguiar, Supervisor, Town of Riverhead, held her State of the Town address at Riverhead Town Hall. She talked about her administration’s challenges during her first year in office, how the Town worked to overcome those challenges and mitigate the effects of Hurricane Isaias and the COVID-19 pandemic.
She went on to outline other initiatives over the past year to move the Town forward, despite the pandemic’s impact. Her administration worked on efforts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the Town residents and its finances and made important investments in public safety. “At a time when people were scared and confused, with limited movement and resources, we worked to protect our residents and helped those most in need,” she said.
To help these communities, the Town worked to provide shelter for the homeless and partnered with the county to supply emergency food deliveries to homebound residents and families in need.
“The pandemic has had its greatest impact on the Town’s children and seniors,” Supervisor Aguiar said. “Very often, our seniors found it difficult to access food, healthcare and other essential services.”
Under her leadership, the Town created the Riverhead SAFE (Senior Assistance for Essentials) program, which delivered food, medications and supplies to older residents and enhanced its Senior Meals on Wheels program. Supervisor Aguiar announced that, starting next week, the Town will launch an outreach program to assist seniors with transportation to and from Riverhead vaccination sites. Future plans include an expansion of the Town’s Senior Home Improvement program.
The pandemic also impacted the town’s finances, with a $1.8 million reduction in building application fees, State and County aid and Justice Court revenues in the General Fund. To mitigate these losses, Supervisor Aguiar’s administration reduced spending by 1.14%. She renegotiated the 2018 contracts for the Town’s police officers and superior officers at a savings of $645,000 for 2021 and renegotiated a reduction in insurance cost for 2021 at $30,326. In addition, the Town was able to lower its debt by $9.68 million.
“We cut non-essential spending, placed promotions on hold and limited new hires, while maintaining the services taxpayers expect and deserve,” Supervisor Aguiar said. “The lower debt will reduce financing costs, helping to put the Town on better, long-term footing.”
Supervisor Aguiar also addressed the topic of illegal overcrowding and its impact on schools. Upon taking office, she commenced five Supreme Court actions and adjusted the hours for Code Enforcement. However, these actions, and other initiatives to reduce illegal, overcrowded housing, were put on hold by the governor’s eviction moratorium, which will be in effect until May 31.
“This will continue to be a priority of my administration,” Supervisor Aguiar said of the overcrowding crisis. “We will also work to enhance the availability of legal workforce housing for our Town’s residents.”
On environmental issues, Supervisor Aguiar said she will work to protect the residents of Manorville and those living east of the Enterprise Park at Calverton (EPCAL), who are threatened by contaminants in the drinking water. “These residents deserve clean and safe water now. I will continue to champion with Federal, State and Local officials to supply the necessary water as quickly as possible,” she said.
On the issues of downtown revitalization and economic development, the supervisor announced that the Pattern Book has been completed and adopted and will be used as a guide for the ongoing revitalization of Riverhead’s downtown. These include the addition of nationally recognized chain stores and shops, the purchase of the old Swezey’s building by the Long Island Science Museum and the scheduled fall opening of the Island Water Park, an interactive family-friendly amusement center featuring an indoor surf pool, restaurant and café. Thanks in part to an $800,000 grant received by the Community Development Agency, the Town will create a Town Square on the Peconic Riverwalk.
“We as a Town will navigate and successfully tackle any future challenges presented to us,” Supervisor Aguiar said. “I am confident we will emerge from the current State of Emergency as a greater, smarter and more cohesive community, dedicated to building a better future for our residents.”
A transcript of the speech can be downloaded here.
What: Yvette Aguiar, Supervisor, Town of Riverhead, will deliver the State of the Town address. She will share the Town’s challenges over the past year, along with its efforts to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Town residents and its finances. In addition to making investments in public safety, the Town reduced its debt and cut spending while staying under the state’s tax cap. She will also highlight initiatives for 2021.
When:Monday, February 8
11:30 a.m.
Where:Riverhead Town Hall
200 Howell Avenue
Riverhead, NY
** PLEASE NOTE: Social distancing guidelines will be enforced at this event. Attendance is by invitation only. **
Directions: LIE to Exit 71 for NY-24 toward Hampton Bays/Calverton. Turn right onto NY-24 S/Edwards Ave S. and continue to follow NY-24 S. At the traffic circle, take the 4th exit onto Peconic Avenue. Exit the traffic circle onto Peconic Avenue, then turn right onto E. Main Street. Turn left into 200 Howell Avenue.
Photo Ops: Supervisor Aguiar delivering her State of the Town address.
What: Yvette Aguiar, Supervisor, Town of Riverhead, will deliver the State of the Town address. She will share the Town’s challenges over the past year, along with its efforts to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Town residents and its finances. In addition to making investments in public safety, the Town reduced its debt and cut spending while staying under the state’s tax cap. She will also highlight initiatives for 2021.
When:Monday, February 1st
11:30 a.m.
**In case of inclement weather closure, this event will be rescheduled for Monday, February 8th at 11:30 a.m.
Where:Riverhead Town Hall
200 Howell Avenue
Riverhead, NY
** PLEASE NOTE: Social distancing guidelines will be enforced at this event. Attendance is by invitation only. **
Directions: LIE to Exit 71 for NY-24 toward Hampton Bays/Calverton. Turn right onto NY-24 S/Edwards Ave S. and continue to follow NY-24 S. At the traffic circle, take the 4th exit onto Peconic Avenue. Exit the traffic circle onto Peconic Avenue, then turn right onto E. Main Street. Turn left into 200 Howell Avenue.
Photo Ops: Supervisor Aguiar delivering her State of the Town address.
Adam Haber, an East Hills resident and Board Member of All Hands and Hearts, an international disaster relief organization, has announced that the group is looking to raise $250,000, which will be used to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for hospitals in Long Island and the New York metropolitan area.
Among the PPE products that hospitals desperately need include N-95 and surgical masks, goggles, face shields, alcohol- or bleach-based antibacterial or disinfecting wipes, disposable medical gowns, hand sanitizer, nitrile gloves, shoe covers and booties, no-touch thermometers, thermometer probe covers and HEPA filters for ventilators and anesthesia machines. All Hands and Hearts will work with already stressed supply chains to source PPE from a credible supplier and efficiently distribute the equipment to hospitals and health facilities that need it most, especially those on Long Island.
“We are asking everyone to donate whatever amount they can to help us reach our goal,” Mr. Haber says. “PPE suppliers are being stretched to the limit and are unable to keep up with demand. That is why All Hands and Hearts is working to get the equipment to our heroic medical personnel, who are on the front lines in battling this deadly disease.”
For more information, visit www.allhandsandhearts.org or email Mr. Haber at AdamHaber1@gmail.com.
Adam Haber, an East Hills resident and Board Member of All Hands and Hearts, an international disaster relief organization, has announced that donations for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are currently being accepted at locations in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Mr. Haber is urging everyone to donate extra supplies of the following items they do not need:
N-95 and surgical masks (in unopened containers/boxes)
Eye protection, such as goggles and face shields
Antibacterial and disinfecting wipes, typically alcohol- or bleach-based (unopened)
Disposable medical gowns (paper fluid-resistant or plastic)
Hand sanitizer
Disinfecting wipes (Clorox/Lysol wipes)
Nitrile gloves (new, in unopened box, not expired)
Shoe covers/booties
No-touch thermometers
Thermometer probe covers
HEPA filters for ventilators/anesthesia machines
Nassau County residents can drop off their donations at the Nassau County Public Safety Building at Eisenhower Park, Parking Field 3, 1899 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow. Donations will be accepted on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until April 3.
For those who live in Suffolk County, donations will be accepted weekdays at the Suffolk County Fire Academy, 102 East Avenue, Yaphank from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To make a large donation of supplies or if you know of a potential vendor who may provide assistance, email FRESfinance@suffolkcountyny.gov. For more information, call Joel Vetter at (631) 872-1252.
“There is a nationwide shortage of personal protective equipment and Long Island has among the most critical shortages in the nation,” Mr. Haber said. “Many area hospitals and clinics are already out of supplies. We are asking you to donate any extra items you may have and to reach out to friends, neighbors, family members and local businesses if you believe they have an excess amount of the aforementioned items.”
For more information, please contact Mr. Haber at AdamHaber1@gmail.com.
WOODBURY, NY — The Public Relations and Marketing Group (PRMG) is proud to announce that Long Island Business News (LIBN) has recognized the PRMG marketing team as one of the honorees for the Excellence in Communication Awards. The PRMG marketing team members — Vanessa Bishop, Senior Account Executive; Raymond Medina, Web Developer; Candice Votke, Communications Assistant; Laura Larson, Creative Director; and Hannah Perez, Web Development Director — were presented with the award during a special ceremony at the Crest Hollow Country Club on March 24.
During the event, LIBN honored 44 industry professionals and organizations for their excellence in marketing, communications, public relations, website and graphic design. The team works collectively to increase the visibility of its clients in an effort to increase profitability or, in the case of non-profits, their viability. In doing so, they achieve their second goal, which is to increase the awareness of their own brand in an effort to grow the company.
Ms. Bishop is tasked with managing the day-to-day contact with each of the agency’s professional, hospitality, and non-profit clients, in addition to content creation for newsletters, social media, press releases and more. Mr. Medina assists with implementing and updating websites and digital advertising, but also oversees the SEO services and the development of the clients’ email marketing. Ms. Votke’s primary role was to assist the senior staff members with various tasks — especially in areas such as social media, newsletter development and blogging. She is now an Account Executive, in charge of the agency’s law firm clients. Ms. Perez oversees the agency’s Web Development staff and is charged with developing and implementing new websites (for new and existing clients alike), in addition to assigning projects, fielding technical inquiries and helping with email marketing. In her role as Creative Director, Ms. Larson is responsible for every graphic design request — from standard print items, such as business cards and letterhead, to full-on digital creations such as websites and e-newsletter templates.
Now in its 14th year, The Public Relations and Marketing Group is a full-service public relations agency providing media relations, publicity, advertising, website hosting and design, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), video production, crisis management and community and government relations to businesses, organizations and individuals throughout Long Island and the New York metro area. For more information call 1-855-PRMG-123 or visit www.theprmg.com.
About PRMG
Founded in 2002, The Public Relations and Marketing Group, LLC (PRMG) is a full-service public relations and marketing agency based in Patchogue, New York. PRMG is dedicated to helping businesses, professionals, non-profit organizations, government entities, attorneys and law firms leverage their time, talents and resources by using effective public relations and marketing techniques, as well as advertising, graphic design, website design and development, digital video production, website search optimization and social media. PRMG has launched a variety of website-based entities, including PR4Lawyers, Dining Out Long Island and New York Lawyer Pages. For more information, 1-855-PRMG-123 (1-855-776-4123), or visit www.theprmg.com.
WOODBURY, NY — The Public Relations and Marketing Group (PRMG) proudly announces that Long Island Business News (LIBN) recently recognized Hank Russell, Public Relations Director, PRMG, as one of the”50 Around 50” honorees for his continued success in the field of marketing and communications. Mr. Russell was presented with an award for this accomplishment during a ceremony at the Crest Hollow Country Club on September 29.
During the event, LIBN honored 50 accomplished local business leaders around the age of 50 who set an example in their field through their longevity, integrity, motivation and wisdom. A key member of the marketing and communications firm, Mr. Russell received the award in recognition of his outstanding leadership and achievement in the field of public relations.
As PRMG’s Public Relations Director, Mr. Russell crafts and oversees press releases, media advisories, captions and media availabilities. He serves as a liaison between clients and media outlets, arranging press conferences and print, TV and radio interviews for the firm’s large variety of clientele. Since 2008, when he joined The PRMG, Mr. Russell has secured major media coverage for several clients, including Gershow Recycling, The Law Office of Frederick K. Brewington, School-Business Partnerships of Long Island (SBPLI), Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center, Inc. and The Cochran Firm. He is presently responsible for overseeing the public relations and campaign initiatives for Suffolk County Executive Republican candidate Jim O’Connor.
Mr. Russell earned his Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication at St. Bonaventure University, where he worked as a sportswriter and columnist for the college’s weekly newspaper in addition to contributing to the university’s literary magazine and yearbook. Before joining PRMG, he spent two years reporting on political issues for Suffolk Life, was a poetry editor for The North Atlantic Review and freelanced for many scientific and medical imaging magazines. He has more than 15 years’ experience as a writer, editor and proofreader.
Now in its 13th year, The Public Relations and Marketing Group is a full-service public relations agency providing media relations, publicity, advertising, website hosting and design, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), video production, crisis management and community and government relations to businesses, organizations and individuals throughout Long Island and the New York metro area. For more information call 1-855-PRMG-123 or visit www.theprmg.com.
About PRMG
Founded in 2002, The Public Relations and Marketing Group, LLC (PRMG) is a full-service public relations and marketing agency based in Patchogue, New York. PRMG is dedicated to helping businesses, professionals, non-profit organizations, government entities, attorneys and law firms leverage their time, talents and resources by using effective public relations and marketing techniques, as well as advertising, graphic design, website design and development, digital video production, website search optimization and social media. PRMG has launched a variety of website-based entities, including PR4Lawyers, Dining Out Long Island and New York Lawyer Pages. For more information, 1-855-PRMG-123 (1-855-776-4123), or visit www.theprmg.com.
For more information about our services or to find out how we can help you attain your marketing goals, click here to email us, or call: Toll Free: 855-PRMG-123 .: Phone: 631-207-1057