PRMG has extensive experience managing and serving in various capacities in political campaigns, as well as other issue advocacy initiatives, including the support or opposition of development projects. Today, political campaigns demand a full range of traditional approaches, enhanced by voter targeting technology, digital advertising, e-mail, and social media marketing. First and foremost is strategy and messaging. From working with polling vendors, interpreting results, and framing issues and messages, we can then develop the campaign materials necessary to persuade voters and increase the turnout of supporters. We produce TV, radio, print, and direct mail for our clients along with website and social media pages. Digital advertising, including Google Ads, Youtube, and website ads is highly cost-effective in reaching and persuading voters. In larger campaigns, media relations are also essential in building a strong campaign. We use similar techniques for issue advocacy campaigns and other private-sector initiatives.

For more information about our services, please see our services pages and samples of our work.

To schedule a free consultation, contact John Zaher at 631-310-4655 or complete the form below.

    Contact Us

    For more information about our services or to find out how we can help you attain your marketing goals, click here to email us, or call:
    Toll Free: 855-PRMG-123 .: Phone: 631-207-1057

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