PRMG is a full-service public relations agency providing media relations, publicity, crisis management, community and government relations to Long Island and New York metro organizations including New York City.
24-hour news channels, local news, websites, blogs, social media, and email; news spreads fast. More than ever, whether you are a corporation, a non-profit or a professional organization, you need a public relations firm experienced in Long Island, New York metro and national media to help communicate your message.
From product launches and event publicity to press conferences and crisis management, PRMG works with its clients to develop comprehensive communications strategies.PRMG’s approach to public relations involves the development and implementation of strategic communications plans to best meet the client’s goals. Our agency utilizes various tools, such as media relations, supported by advertising, internet marketing and video production.
Unlike most public relations firms, the PRMG guarantees its clients a minimum number of hours of services it will perform on their behalf, ensuring that they are being served thoroughly and consistently with the best results and providing the best value.
Led by John Zaher, an experienced communications professional and former public information officer for both Suffolk County, New York and Nassau County, New York.
Our media relations services, includes:
PRMG stands ready to help. Call us for a free consultation 631-310-4655.